Tobias Brox

This is the personal home page of Tobias Brox. This page was created 2015-10, done a quick update 2025-02. I have a full time work, four children, and lots and lots of projects in the pipeline, maintaining those web pages is NOT a priority.

History of my home pages

My first personal "home pages" appeared on the Internet in the 90s (1996?). They were hosted at the University of Tromsø. I wrote articles about hitch hiking, roller skating and lots of other things, and I added quite some photos to those pages. In 1998 I met the lady who later became my wife - she found my web pages through a popular search engine of that time (Altavista?).

I rarely maintained those web pages, but I was allowed to have them maybe more than a decade after I stopped studying. I believe I still have a backup of it somewhere.

After those web pages "expired" I didn't bother to set up new personal pages for many years. It's kind of weird - I made home pages for my house, for my boats ... but until 2015-10, I didn't bother to set up a new personal home page. Until I realized that a google search for my name and nick came up with non-relevant stuff. Time to recreate my personal home page!

Contact information

Deltachat, snikket and matrix are the cool new communication platforms, but I haven't fully onboarded those yet. I have @tobixen and +4791700050 on many existing chat platforms, including Signal, Telegram, IRC and Whatsapp. Email (don't store that email address - that's a throw-away address, email addresses on web pages tend to attract a lot of spam). I don't like SMS'es.

GPG keys: B14605A5 (for work purposes: C40DEF4E)

Profiles on the web


I'm married with Katja, and our children Sebastian, Samuel, Sonja and Sigurd was born in 2004, 2011, 2013 and 2019

House and boats